Hope you’re all having a great week?
Mine took an unexpected turn yesterday when I had to clear my diary at the last minute and schlepp down to the south coast.
Ooo, a nice day relaxing on the beach, eh?
Sadly not.
You see, I’d found out while talking to my folks that they were planning to spend one of the hottest days of the year knocking down their garage.
Which is brick built and has a series of 8 foot solid concrete beams in the roof.
Now God love em they’re doing well for their age, but I wasn’t having that.
The thought of my Dad holding a lintil over his head like Hercules did not fill me with confidence.
So, being the caring, loving, doting son that I am ???? I leapt at the chance to help.
(the fact that I love smashing stuff up with power tools had nothing to do with it)
So after a day filled with hammering and chiselling, lifting and dragging, lots of Michael Bublé and my first Club biscuit for at least 20 years, the garage is gone.
Well, when I say gone, I mean it’s reduced to a pile of rubble at the front of their house waiting to be collected.
Close enough though, right?
And I have to say I enjoyed it. Doing something repetitive which required little to no mental effort was really nice.
– No jokes about that being exactly what I do for a living thank you very much, we don’t just count reps! –
But the reason I’m telling you this is that my Mum and Dad have a different view to mine.
Which is: if you can do it yourself, do it yourself.
An admirable sentiment, provided you’re able to do a relatively good job of it without hospitalising yourself.
Now without blowing my own trumpet too much, I was able to get the whole thing done yesterday rather than it taking them a whole week.
And more importantly, no one got hurt!
This is probably a lot like your health and fitness goals.
Maybe you’d planned to train regularly and eat well so you were feeling more confident in time for summer.
You’d gotten started but progress was painfully slow so you didn’t manage to stick to it.
You’ve been putting it off as you weren’t sure where to start – power tools don’t really help in this scenario.
Now while I can’t promise we’ll get you sorted in one day, I can promise proper measurable results within a month.
So you are feeling and looking your best come August when you slip into those bathers and head off on your holidays.
So don’t be like Momma and Poppa Male, and just ask for help!
Book a free consultation with me today.
Ian “hammer-time” Male
Ps. For those of you who aren’t able to get to us in Greenwich, we are now offering a range of brand spanking new online training plans – just click here to find out all the details!